Honoring the number 42, with a show pulled right from the pages of Douglas Adams’ “Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”. Songs with Live, Universe and Everything in the title!
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Honoring the number 42, with a show pulled right from the pages of Douglas Adams’ “Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy”. Songs with Live, Universe and Everything in the title!
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Hi Brian,
this episode seems kind of “mono”.
The music is only playing on the left side chanel…
Otherwise keep up the good work!
Best Regards from Germany,
Is it me, or is the audio goofy? Good sound in the right side, left side just has low clicking noise.
You too? Oh thank goodness, I thought my speakers were dying on me. (Except the good sound is coming from my speaker labeled “left” and clicks from the right.)
That Facts Of Life cover is SO AWESOME!!!!
Now I know why I like you so much. My 42nd birthday was August 4, 2011. So, it isn’t the great musical sense, or the excellent matching hair styles (just kidding)… Nice to be a Leo (and sorry for the late Happy Birthday wishes)!