This honestly had me laughing so hard, tears were coming out of my eyes.
Click the link below to see videos of three or four levels of a knockoff of Super Mario Brothers that is so unpredictable, you’ll wonder how someone could have thought of it.
And just when you think he’s gonna make it…
(Thanks to for the link)
those videos have been showing up on tech news sites. I have to wonder if the lack of decent programming was done on purpose to make it hard, humorous, or to show how poorly the chinese program? I can’t imagine how anyone would have the patience to even play it.
I did have to laugh at the negative lives left though “no problem, you can owe us!”
OMG, can we say copyright infringement here? This game looks completely impossible. Not to mention the fact of negative lives.
The coders must have had a deadline.
The negative lives thing reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once. “Right now, I’m so far behind, I’ll never get to die.”
GREAT podcast, I just found it (you), and am totally hooked.