For the Lyrics Undercover explanation of this song, click here: Lyrics Undercover #36: I Don’t Like Mondays
Results of last week’s battle:
A song based on a horrible event from 1979 is the basis for this week’s competition. The Boomtown Rats’ Bob Geldof wrote the song after hearing of a school shooting in San Diego. And for today’s competition, we’ll look at the versions by Tori Amos (Amazon link), and Ron Sexsmith (Amazon link).
Which version trips the silicon switch inside your head?
Listen to the podcast featuring both songs:
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This song is about a somber event. However, I personally think that performing it in a somber way is a mistake. I always believed that the voice was confused, and angry. Confused by the situation, and angry that there truly is no understandable reason for the tradgedy. Much of mourning is anger, and that is how these lyrics speak to me.