The future isn’t what it used to be…

I was a guest last night on The FourCast Podcast, a show hosted by podcasting dynamos Scott Johnson and Tom Merritt, where the two of them assemble a panel to predict the future of humanity – both short-term and long-term. The show was a uber-geekout moment for...

Just 6 days left to order the Coverville DVDs

If you’ve been thinking about ordering the 3-DVD set of Coverville archives (containing every episode from 1 to 600), then you’ll want to make your decision by the time you back to work (or school) Tuesday morning after Labor Day. So that I don’t...

Gosh, that looks familiar.

So, I was in the local Best Buy yesterday, and I noticed something very interesting about the cover to the new Guitar Hero 5. So, after a quick redesign, I’ve got the new logo for Musically Challenged, which I’ll be building a site for in the next couple...

Coldplay After Dentist

I think this is fantastic. And I can’t wait until someone covers it. The song may sound Coldplay-esque, but the lyrics are definitely OK Computer-era Radiohead.

Top ten covers? Meh. How about 1,892?

Shirking off the usual top ten and top twenty lists of covers, Esquire goes all in, and posts 1,892 Cover Songs Men Could Listen To. Presumably, women could listen to them too. Thanks to John, Shelby and others who emailed about this!