Coverville 700 Archive DVDs now available

New to Coverville? Looking for a way to catch up? Or, have you been here from the beginning, but want to have access to all the shows without using up gigabytes of your storage space? In any case, the Coverville Archive DVDs have now been updated with episodes 1...

Upcoming show schedule

Thanks to a very unusual summer cold (which left as quickly as it came, but took my voice with it), shows are going to change schedules slightly over the next couple days: Who Did It Better 30 (Ringo edition) will be this coming Monday, Aug. 30th. Coverville 699...

App Review: Retro Recorder

You don’t often see me doing iPhone App reviews on Coverville. But if there’s something music-related, I’ll definitely give it a spin. Which is why I took a look at a new iPhone recording app called Retro Recorder. If you’ve got an iPhone or...